As we age, changes occur on our faces... These changes follow different processes in varying layers. The life-giving rays of the sun, our Earth's source of vitality, damage the outermost layer of our skin, known as the epidermis, over the years. The connective tissue elements beneath the skin get thinner with advancing age, and wrinkles formed by the activity of facial muscles also contribute to aging. Deep within the subcutaneous tissue, there are fat pads that give shape to our faces. Over the years, these fat pads lose volume and sag in the direction of gravity. The creases around our eyes, between nose and mouth, and between mouth and jaw are formed by ligaments that anchor the soft tissue deep into the bone. As these ligaments remain relatively fixed in place, sagging accentuates these folds, contributing to the aging appearance. In the deepest layer of the bone structure, there are occasional changes in shape over the years.
Filler injections can balance facial volume losses, correct asymmetries, lift sagging to some extent, augment desired areas, or reduce wrinkles non-surgically. In this article, I will discuss the essentials of filler applications that can enhance your beauty and try to correct common misconceptions...
Everything you need to know about dermal filler injections.
With English subtitles.